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Home  > Neuro Health

The nervous system has two distinct parts: the central nervous system comprises the brain and spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system is the network of nerves that connects the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. The brain coordinates the ability to move, touch, smell, hear and see.

The B vitamins are known as "brain" vitamins, and supplements such as choline, phosphatidylserline, and ginkgo biloba are known to help memory. Herbs such as chamomile, passionflower, and valerian help us maintain a balanced demeanor.

Primary Products for Neuro Health

Click on the item for more info
GinkgoSense AIM Ginkgo Sense
GinkgoSense for memory and vision health is a dietary supplement that can support mental concentration and filter blue light waves.
Your Price USD$ 29.00

Composure AIM Composure
A combination of relaxing herbs, helps maintain neuro health.
Your Price USD$ 22.00

Complementary Product for Neuro Health

JustCarrots AIM Just Carrots
Provides a convenient and effective way to add beta carotenoids, alpha carotenids, and vitamin C to your diet.
Your Price USD$ 44.00

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